Chinese sausage and noodle soup

This is not an authentic Chinese soup recipe by any stretch of the imagination. It’s something I concocted using ingredients from the store cupboard in an attempt to liven up another Savoy cabbage to arrive in the veg box.

It also features slices of Chinese sausage, which you should be able to get from an oriental supermarket, but if not feel free to substitute with any cured sausage that takes your fancy.

I made up the dish as I went along and was really rather surprised at just how tasty and moreish it ended up and have made it several times since. As it takes only half an hour or so to rustle up, it’s an excellent contender for a quick mid-week dinner when you don’t want to spend all evening in the kitchen.

Chinese sausage and noodle soup

Serves 4

1 tbsp vegetable or sunflower oil
½ onion, peeled and finely chopped
3cm piece ginger, peeled and finely chopped or grated
3 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
1 Chinese sausage (I used a skinny one about 20cm long), thinly sliced
½ Savoy cabbage, shredded
1.5l hot chicken stock
50ml light soy sauce
50ml Chinese rice wine (Shaohsing) or dry sherry
25ml black rice vinegar
80g egg noodles (I use either medium or fine)

In a large pan heat the oil and gently fry the onion until golden. Add the ginger, garlic and sausage and fry together for a couple more minutes.

Throw in the cabbage and stir-fry for a minute.

Pour in the hot stock, soy sauce, rice wine and vinegar and bring to a gentle simmer. Leave to cook for 10 minutes.

Add the noodles and simmer for another three minutes or according to the packet instructions. Serve and enjoy.

I’m also sharing this soup at the Fantastic Foods Friday supper party over at Justa’s Kitchen.

14 thoughts on “Chinese sausage and noodle soup

  1. I love throwing things together on my own as well and just playing with ingredients and flavors that work into a theme. This looks great!

    1. Thanks Danny. To be honest, I very rarely make things up as I go along so it was a real surprise that this dish worked out so well. I guess I should have more faith in my own abilities in the future!

  2. Vanesther!! My HUGEST apologies! I thought for sure I was following you and wondered why I hadn’t seen anything from you in my reader recently so I went and tracked you down from my old party post. I’ve just clicked the follow button AGAIN. Hopefully it will take this time! That soup sounds delicious, even light enough to be eaten during summer months. I created a Blogger blog, for Linky Parties only, since its difficult to do on WordPress. I’m hosting them weekly now, starting every Friday. The link is still open and I’d love for you to stop by and bring this soup! Here’s the link with all the details I hope to see you there!! Have a great week!

  3. Ummm. This soup sounds great and I’ve started making it for dinner tonight. Only problem is, you don’t say how much chinese sausage to use. I always have it in my freezer, so didn’t even check. TA

    1. Oops! Bit of an oversight there! I used a whole sausage – a skinny one about 20cm long. Hope that helps! Let me know what you think of the soup!

      1. Thanks. Here in Aus we get it in links about 10cm long. I used 3 which is probably enough for most people. Tasted fantastic! Great easy recipe.

      2. That’s great news – so pleased you liked it! It’s always really lovely to have positive feedback to recipes. You’ve made my day 🙂

      3. And I’ve also added the sausage to the recipe ingredients too – can’t believe I missed that out. Thanks for noticing!

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